Physical Therapists Specialists in Kenner, LA

Physical Therapists Specialists in Kenner, LA

Physical Therapists in Kenner LA are evidence-based, health care professionals who diagnose and treat individuals of all ages with physical problems. They offer cost-effective treatment that improves mobility, relieves pain and reduces the need for prescription drugs.

Physical therapists with a women’s health specialization work to help alleviate pelvic pain, incontinence and chronic conditions such as osteoporosis and lymphedema. They also focus on pre- and post-partum care.


PTs specialize in the musculoskeletal system. They can treat injuries to joints, muscles, bones, nerves, skin and tendons.

They can also help manage long-term conditions that impact mobility like osteoporosis or arthritis. They work with patients to develop wellness plans that reduce the need for surgery or prescription medications.

Many PTs pursue the Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) designation. This is one of the oldest and most recognizable specialty designations in physical therapy.

Cardiovascular & Pulmonary

The lungs and cardiovascular system are important to overall health. Physical therapists are trained to assess and manage heart diseases such as coronary artery disease and chronic pulmonary conditions such as COPD.

The APTA Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Specialty Council created a project team to survey specialist and nonspecialist Section members on the state of specialty practice. The survey included questions about the frequency with which therapists have treated patients with specific medical diagnoses. The results of this study will inform the upcoming revalidation process.5-06.

Women’s Health

PTs in the women’s health specialty understand female musculoskeletal systems and how these conditions can differ from men. They help treat a wide range of issues including pelvic pain and osteoporosis.

Because PTs work with the entire body, they have an extensive medical knowledge base that spans many different systems. This can be beneficial to patients, especially when they have a unique condition. PTs also foster positivity and optimism for their patients. This can be a huge boost for individuals who are recovering from physical trauma.


A doctor who specializes in heart rhythm problems can do tests to find what’s wrong. They may also treat your symptoms, like giving you a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, changing medicines, or doing a procedure called catheter ablation.

Specialty certifications give patients and referral sources confidence that you have deep knowledge in specific areas of the profession. You can earn specialty certification in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary, Clinical Electrophysiology, Geriatrics, Neurology, Oncology, Orthopaedics, Pediatrics, Sports, and Women’s Health. The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties administers these exams.

Arthritis & Osteoporosis

A physical therapist who specializes in arthritis and osteoporosis works to improve joint function, relieve pain, and reduce the risk of future injury. They might recommend that patients get a DEXA bone density test, which measures bone strength to detect early signs of low bone density.

Osteoporosis causes weak and fragile bones that are more prone to fractures. This condition often has no symptoms until a fracture occurs. The risk of getting it increases with age and is more common in women and white people. It can be prevented with exercise and a diet high in calcium and vitamin D.


PTs that specialize in neurology help patients with conditions like Parkinson’s and cerebral palsy. Using techniques such as Kinesiology Taping, which involves applying cloth tape to decrease pain or improve circulation, and Phonophoresis, which introduces medication through the skin and into tissues, physical therapists treat patients with nerve damage and neuromuscular disorders.

Women’s health is a newer PT specialty that includes treating issues affecting women throughout their lives from pregnancy to menopause. This specialty helps PTs better understand the female musculoskeletal system and how it can affect women differently than men.


Pediatric physical therapy specialists work with children from newborns to teenagers. They address a wide variety of health conditions that hinder children from growing and living as normal, such as cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis and spinal injuries.

Geriatric physical therapists specialize in treating the unique needs of seniors. Specifically, they work on the issues of range of motion, strength, endurance and mobility, including walking and getting up and down stairs. They also help patients obtain specialized equipment. Often, these therapists will also treat the patient’s family.

Vestibular Therapy

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a specialized form of physical therapist treatment that alleviates symptoms of vestibular disorders, which can include dizziness and vertigo, gaze instability, and imbalance and falls. Your therapist will perform an initial evaluation to determine if VRT is the right treatment for you.

Your therapist may prescribe habituation exercises and balance training to relieve your symptoms. These exercises help your brain learn to tolerate head movements and ignore abnormal signals that cause vertigo, dizziness, or blurred vision. They also strengthen your eye muscles to improve gaze stability during head movement.

Decongestive Therapy

Several cancer treatments can result in lymphedema, a condition that may be managed by manual decongestive therapy. Your physical therapist will help you understand your specific lymphedema status and develop a plan of care.

Your physical therapist will apply Saebo taping techniques, a treatment based on neuro anatomy and modern scientific study of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. He will also use dry needling, a technique that reduces pain by using a fine filament needle.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

Pelvic floor muscles support bowel and bladder movement, sexual function and core stability. These muscles can become weak, tight or dysfunctional.

Your therapist will talk with you in private about your symptoms and perform a physical exam of the pelvis including its hips, spine, bones and muscles. This can include internal (vaginal or rectal) assessment with your consent and cues.

Treatment options may include trigger point release, visceral mobilization and dry needling. These techniques use acupressure on tender areas to relieve pain and retrain muscles. Other options are electrical stimulation and biofeedback therapy.